Bio Neutra Obesity Prevention Product

OBESITY Prevention

Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. It results from a combination of inherited factors, combined with the environment and due to consumption of energy dense foods and sedentary lifestyle. People with obesity might eat more calories before feeling full, may feel hungry sooner, or eat due to stress or anxiety. A diet that is high in carbohydrates, high calorie, lacking in fruits and vegetables, full of junk food and laden with high calorie beverages and oversized portion contribute to weight gain.

The worldwide epidemic of excess body weight, including overweight and obesity is associated with increased prevalence of cardiovascular risks comprising hypertension – a condition that promotes stroke, heart disease and end stage organ damage, which are the major cause of death and disability. In India the urban population with high socio-economic status were found to be having higher obesity prevalence.

Our New Product

Bio Neutra Innovations along with National Innovation Foundation have developed a Natural product ( Herbal extract ) for prevention of Obesity based on Traditional Knowledge.

NIF STUDY - Treatment with herbal extract resulted in improvement in the plasma lipid profile by modulation of lipid metabolism due to inhibition of lipid absorption and oxidation. The decline in TG rich lipoprotein levels such as VLDL and LDL was observed due to reduction in circulating triglyceride levels. Treatment with herbal extract also increased plasma HDL-C levels thereby modulating the lipoprotein metabolism. The herbal extract also exhibits anti-diabetic activity as it reduces the fasting plasma glucose, insulin level and improves glucose tolerance.

Health Benefits

  • The phytochemical ingredients of the extract stimulate the metabolism of the fat cells thereby burning any excess body fat.
  • It cleanses the fat-carrying channels, and causes the vital body fluids to flow normally.
  • Effective for weight loss in the recommended dose.
  • Enhance immunity and increases bone strength.
  • Maintains the glucose metabolism.